Our Animals

Meet Juniper Hill Ranch’s amazing animals.

Some of our sheep leaning against the fence, with Sammy on the right really sticking his head through to tell me he is ready for dinner.

The Younger Sheep

This is a group shot of some of our sheep. Their main role on the ranch is to serve as Juniper Hill Ranch’s landscaping crew. Their job is to eat all the invasive weeds to eliminate them from the property and keep the grasses down to lessen fire danger. They love getting brushed and petted on their backs.

Ali on the left and her daughter Zoey on the right with campers feeding and brushing them.

We welcomed two miniature donkeys to our animal family last April. Ali is 15 and her daughter Zoey is 11. They are super friendly, really gentle and love to be around people.


Luccia contemplating life on the ranch with her best friend, Roger, the cat, behind her…

Luccia was born in 2020 and loves running around the yard in circles, being petted and playing with her best friend, Roger, who is the cat pictured above behind her. They often share Luccia’s dog bed before taking a stroll in the yard together to smell the grasses and bushes. Opposites really attract with these two. Roger is very calm and contemplative whereas Luccia always wants to play.

Lulu, our four-year-old lamb who loves attention

Lulu, our five-year-old lamb who loves attention


Lulu is the oldest in our herd, and while she’s supposed to lead all the sheep and goats around, she’s not a natural leader. She’s actually a reluctant shepherdess who is the one of the sweetest animals we’ve known. Lulu would much rather spend time with people, having someone pet her, than boss around sheep.

Simone eyeing the cats and wishing they would stop following her

Simone eyeing the cats and wishing they would stop following her

Simone is the oldest chicken on the ranch. She is almost 8. She is very social and will follow you around, talking about one thing or another. Unless you speak chicken, it’s hard to know exactly what she’s saying, but it’s clearly very important.

Strawberry, the chicken, headed out onto the ranch with her flock of friends.

Strawberry, one of our extremely social chickens, is leading the flock in this photo, something she loves doing. She and the others spend their days digging around the pastures, combing through the donkeys’ straw bales and laying eggs in surprising places like in the back of hay bales.

Summer stopping to smell the flowers

Summer stopping to smell the flowers


Summer is almost five years old, and she became a mom to triplets the night of March 27, 2020. We watched her give birth and named her lambs June, July and August. August is shy like his mom, but June and July will run right up to us. Look for their photos to the left.

Ruby, one of our kittens

Ruby, one of our cats

We have three cats: Ruby, Daisy and Roger. Ruby and Daisy are four years old and spend their days outside in the barns, keeping mice away and exploring the great outdoors. Ruby loves chasing ribbons. Daisy likes to curl up in your arms. She actually knows how to hug people. More on Roger below.

Lucky and Ducky are super chatty and quite clumsy.

You can find Lucky and Ducky in rain puddles or in their swimming pool at Juniper Hill Ranch where they love to hang out and cool off on hot days. When they are not in the water, the tend to hang out with Maisy the rooster, Honey the rooster, and the hens.